Single Black Women: Are You a Fling or a Potential Wife?

. 03/01/2012 . 0 Comments

Right from your initial interaction with a man you’re telling him whether you are just a Fling, or a lady who might eventually be his wife, most likely the mother of his children, in simple word a Potential Wife.

Every time a man meets a woman, he is questioning which class to place you in – Fling or Potential Wife. We’re really not that tricky.

Many women have been brainwashed by the media to think that “looking sexy” is a strategy for showing independence. Choice of expression of all sorts Is a crucial part of independence, however, when you dress for a particular date, you’re sending distinct messages about who you really are, and which class you fit in (Fling or Potential Wife) loud and straight.

Listed here are three first/early date ways you put your self in one category or another (whether you want it or not):

Clothing: Using low cut or virtually see-through shirt, and/or a skin small dress, and all those high “fu* me pumps” shows him loud and clear “I’m a Fling.” That is okay if that’s just what you’re looking for. But if you are searching for your partner you want to be lovely and exceptional. Think Michelle Obama, not Madonna.

Area: In case you ask him to your place within the first few weeks, you are telling him loud and clear “it’s a very real possibility we might sleep together” which puts you squarely in the “Fling” type in his mind.

Making Love: If you actually sleep together within the first couple of times he thinks “this was quite easy, she must-have done this a long time ago…a lot” and you are absolutely not in the “Potential Wife” classification in his mind. Does that mean you wont have fun? No. Does that signify you can’t have a good quality partnership? Simply no. Does that indicate that you’ll be stuck with a man who “can’t commit” and you can’t figure out why? Most likely. Since he just can’t move you from your role of “Fling” to “Wife”.

Popular movies suggest this takes place at all times. Ryan Gosling’s latest movie (Crazy, Stupid, Love) implied that, and it’s a joke as much as how actual life functions. And sadly ladies, the joke is on you. Get picked up, if his brains out, and make him fall in love with you and he’ll quit his player ways since you are so amazing. This is not only a joke, but a tragic joke. You Are awesome, too exceptional to fall for that.

In case you haven’t changed your cabinet and your places you spend time to reflect the maturation level you are at, it may be time for an up-date. If you’ve bought into the idea that you’ve got to “show a few skin” or sleep with them early to get them scorching for you, then you can definitely make him fall in love with you, make sure you, take it from me, men don’t work that way.

A Man of Quality, a more mature man, a good man, who is open to or currently seeking the woman he would like to spend the rest of his life with is looking for “Potential Wife” not only some other Fling (he’s had that already…and so have you). See your self as you want to be noticed, and he will see you like that too – if he’s the most appropriate one. But if you show him “Fling” outfits, energy, and communications he may even be “prepared to marry” … but it won’t be to you.

Author: Ken Williams 


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