So what he died of an overdose, he still deserves respect!

. 03/26/2012 . 1 Comment

Dear Ms. HeartBeat:
Why do some people feel the need or feel that it is ok to cut down and talk badly about someone who has died?

A guy I knew died of a drug overdose (accidental or intentional, nobody knows for sure). He was a very nice guy, very talented, but he had some problems with drugs and depression. Now that he is gone some people, some that don’t even know him are trashing him. Fine if you didn’t like him, but seeing as he can’t defend himself how is that fair or right? His friends, family and fans had a thread set up on a website to pay respects and talk about him. The thread had to be closed because of the negative mean comments people made. I just don’t understand it!

Why Are People So Damn Mean?

Ms. HeartBeat Responds:
I am not saying I agree with their timing and disrespect in his family’s time of grieving. There is really no excuse for behaving in such a manner, especially on the website that the family set up to memorialize the passing of someone they loved very much.

However, most people feel exactly as they do about the fact that the guy died of a drug overdose. Though there are people that are kidnapped, imprisoned and drugged against their will, that isn’t the case here. Drugs in this case were used as a vehicle to escape reality, and they were taken solely by choice. Around the world drug users are viewed as weak, losers and escapists. He really wouldn’t have much to say in the way of a defense to the charges laid at his door.

Anyone using drugs over a long period of time is just killing themselves slowly anyway. Their vital organs are damaged, their skin, their mind and relationships. Bit by bit, piece by piece, the human being that we loved is disappearing right before our eyes.

Sso you cannot say that his death was accidental – it just took him a long time to finish the suicide mission he was on.  In reality honey, a drug overdose is not like getting hit by a drunk driver, or having your home invaded in the middle of the night, or robbed and shot by a carjacker, or being smashed to bits in a plane crash. Druggies have a choice in the manner in which they die.

Your friend chose drugs, which led to his death from a drug overdose. It could have been an accident, but he could have done it intentionally – we will never know. With that in mind, there are not many people in the world that would feel sorry for him like you do.

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Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."

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