The 13 Types of Men a Woman Should Never Marry

. 06/22/2015 . 1 Comment
  • The Addicted Man. no marry the addicted man or alcholic
    Whether he is addicted to porn, drugs, alcohol, sex, or food, a man with a dependency on an external substance is a poor bet for marriage or even a relationship. The #1 woman in his life is his addiction, and you are no competition for his bae. Sure, he may move past it one day, but that is not today which is all we are concerned with. Right now he is addicted and his quest for a fix is his top priority. An addiction is taking his heart, mind and energy away from loving you and his family. Since no man can love two women equally, he is a really bad choice for a husband unless you enjoy being the side chick.
  • The Patriarchal Man.
    These are the guys who believe women have one specific role in life and that is to be whatever men want them to be because women are men’s property.  He often refers to himself as a king, and if black, may claim to be conscious and have adopted one of those Hotep fake ass Egyptian names to go by (though his mama named him Eugene George Williams). To them a woman is not validated unless she is married or “with a man” in a relationship, so he believes his presence in your life is a blessing if he does nothing more than show up. They want women to be like women of yesteryear – cooking, cleaning, making him her top priority, acquiescing to his demands, and serving them up in bed upon request. He really believes it is your job to be his personal porn star and to keep your sex life interesting without any work on his part. These guys also believe women do not have the right to make decisions independent of the man in her life, that feminism is evil and has destroyed society, that men have the right to control women’s access to birth control and abortion. They’ll often make jokes about women “wearing the pants” or “emasculating” the modern man with her drive and professional/educational ambitions. In his mind women should be thinking about nothing more than being in relationships with and pleasing men. Unless you want your life and that of any daughters you might have with this guy to revert to 1618, avoid this type of guy like the plague.
  • The Eternally Childlike (Immature) Dude. mamas boy
    He whines and cries like a baby, and often demands that you nurture, support and take care of him like you’re his mother, not his wife. Some of these guys won’t even prepare a meal for themselves, but will sit around hungry waiting for you to get home from work and feed him. He may go from job to job with no real direction for his life, or still talking about being a rapper at 35. You find that you are constantly stepping in to “take care” of his responsibilities when he lets them slide, constantly reminding him of things like a five year old, and doing things for him that as an adult, he should be fully capable of doing for himself. He will blame you for the fact that he has not reached his full potential, because you didn’t “help me” enough or the right way and as such, you are a bad wife. Girlfriend, having a man like this in your life is like having a 6′ tall child, and no woman who wants a solid partner should ever get involved with one of these bearded infants. Leave him at home living in his mama’s basement where he belongs.
  • The Stupid Dude.
    avoid stupid menHe is usually fine as wine, built up nice physically, sexy as all hell, and lots of fun to be around. Looking at you with him makes other women green with envy. That is, until he opens his mouth, and all kinds of ignorant conversation comes spewing forth. He has a poor understanding about everything, and his most common response is “oh, I don’t know nothing about all that” though Google solve that problem easily. He hasn’t read a book since high school, making his sole source of information the television or what he heard from some other dummy. This is the guy you should hide in the dark recesses of your life (like date him in cities far away or in places you’ll never run into someone you know). You should definitely avoid bringing him around your educated friends or family, because intellectually he doesn’t measure up and isn’t trying to. Whatever you do, don’t fall in love with or marry a stupid guy.
  • The Gold Digger.
    Usually very sexy, this is the guy who is checking for your ride, where you work,what kind of clothes you wear, your credit score, and how well maintained you are so he knows what kind of ends you have. His goal is to get into your wallet and his name on your bank accounts as expeditiously as possible. He “falls in love” amazingly quickly to facilitate this maneuver, and you may find yourself involved in a whirlwind courtship of high romance and drama, especially if you are one of those types of women who believes it is your job to “help” a man. He doesn’t believe in paying for dates, and will hit you with that “modern women make more than men” stuff and demand that you pay half. Often when you see him, he’ll be a “lil short” and ask you if he can “hold” $20-100 of your money. Many women are so enthralled by his fast talk and the dynamic sex that they don’t seem to mind being pimped. Typically, he’ll want to spend a lot of time at your place and/or move in with you rather quickly so that he can save HIS money and exhaust YOUR resources instead.
  • The Ugly Man.
    toothless bmThough everyone has something about them to appreciate and some great people throughout history have been straight up ugly — if you are thinking about having children you need to get real and do a cold, hard assessment of what DNA will be passed on. A short, misbuilt, butt ugly, toad looking dude should not be your choice for a mate, because any children he goes half on have the potential to look just like him. Why would you do that to a child and make it hard for them unnecessarily? No matter how nice or smart your dude is, reality is that our society is very focused on looks and beauty. No matter how upset you get or how unfair you feel it is, that societal measuring stick won’t change. People who are deemed physically attractive are liked better by teachers, have more friends, and get better opportunities for both jobs and mates as they mature. If you are past childbearing age, or don’t plan to have children ever, you can probably ignore this one and go ahead and marry him.
  • The Blabbermouth.
    He always, and I mean ALWAYS has something to say. A never-ending stream of chatter from his lips about any and everything, including gossip about his friends, coworkers and family as well as yours is the hallmark of the blabbermouth. He never shuts the hell up, so conversations with him tend to be very one-sided… you listen while he talks. This is a guy you can never tell your confidences to because he runs and tells his boys, his momma, his frat brothers, and his siblings all your business. Some women are silly and believe they need to “be honest” and tell the man in their life every single thing they know, heard, or that was shared with them by their friends/family. Never, ever share personal details of that nature with this guy, because it will come back to haunt you and could be devastating. Bottom line, he cannot be trusted with secrets or much of anything else because he talks too damn much. Saying “oops! I guess I shouldn’t have said that” is one of his mos oft-used lines. The best trait of a man is being the strong silent type, something this guy has no understanding of.
  • In closing, always remember that by his actions, a man will show you who he is. Carefully watch what he does, even if his words are saying something different. By observing a guy’s behavior (paying no attention to what he says he’ll do), you’ll quickly be able to determine whether he is the right guy for you to marry, or someone you should eliminate from your life with the quickness.

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    Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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