Fixing the Black Community and the Flawed Logic of Black Men

. 07/23/2016 . 1 Comment

Fixing the Black Community and the Flawed Logic of Black Men

Guest post by Shadid Mack
Shadid Mack black men black communities single black women single mothers

Author Shadid Mack

As a black man, we cannot expect black women to perform a miracle in a vacuum and a hostile environment….What do I mean by that?

Well, there seems to be a very disturbing trend among some men, that black women are wholly responsible for the break down of the family and chaos in the community. At the same time, some men are advocating that black women should “clean up the mess that they’ve created according to them, and they should do a better job at raising children.”

You see, that is a serious problem and flawed logic when you consider a few mitigating factors…

  1. How do you expect black women to raise children properly when we as men, haven’t secured the space for that to take place? Currently, the black community around large cities, is a complete and utter mess — a violent and depressing mess at that. How can a woman raise children in peace when she’s living in a war zone that black men created, and allowed to fester and grow? Without safe neighborhoods where the women are protected and the children can thrive, there can be no miracle performed. If the right space is secured, you won’t have to ask black women to perform a miracle, it will happen naturally as it always has in the past. Asking her to raise children without providing the necessary security in which those children can thrive, is asking waaaaay too much. No civilized man would even ask such of his woman.
  2. To raise children in a healthy way in which they thrive, you can’t ask black women to do that and work two and three jobs while being 100% responsible for the children. If a woman has to go out and work just as many hours as a man, the children will surely miss out on a lot of nurturing and instruction. Since black men haven’t created any jobs to allow their women flexibility, the women are forced to work jobs they hate to pay bills, which doesn’t give them the necessary flexibility a mother should have. Again,we are asking for waaaay too much.
  3. Asking black women to be the father by men not playing their role, is also asking waaay too much. You can’t expect a woman to teach a boy child how to be a father, a husband, and a mature man that is the master of his masculine energy. That can only be taught by other men. A woman can only go so far, but then a man must step in when appropriate, and take the boy child further in his development. A man must also take part in the grooming of young girls, that way she can learn the proper and appropriate way to interact with men

So, in a nutshell, you cannot ask or expect black women to perform a miracle all by herself without the support of men. She cannot fix all of these problems by herself, fellas.

As men, we cannot be tone deaf or make very ignorant and uninformed statements when it comes to our women and the situation they find themselves in. This is not the ideal situation they wanted, nor asked for.

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