Tag: confident men
Why Don’t Women Talk to a Good Black Man Like Me?
Relationships are as much biological as they are emotional, at least at the beginning. You approached her because your dick got a tingle and you reacted biologically. Understand this good black man, since she didn’t get a tingle she rejected you.
Dating the Man Confused About Confidence vs Dominance
The difference between dominant man, the weak and spineless man, and the man of confidence. We’ll provide examples of what each of those three behaviors looks like in when dating or in a relationship.
Why “Nice” Guys Suck and Women Don’t Want You!
Being a “nice guy” does not win you any brownie points in the dating game! Never has, never will. You win at dating when you give the opposite sex what they want.
Don’t Waste Your Time on a Fearful Defeatist
Some people submit to defeat quickly. Their fear of failure causes them to settle for mediocrity instead of taking the risk to achieve excellence. Defeatist attitudes are easier to assume than facing one’s fears and moving forward. However, the courageous, those that become successful and leaders, those that make things happen never stop, never give up and never succumb willingly to defeat. The #1 goal of the courageous winner is to get to the other side of fear and the limitations fear places on our willingness to seek and then achieve greatness. Whatever you need to do, get over your fears!
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