This is NOT A Free Speech Zone
Some bitter hateful males have been coming on this site lately, typing up long-winded angry comments under the mistaken assumption that they will be published. HAHA! Think again chumps!
This is MY site, which makes it MY world. When you enter MY world you play by MY rules. That means nothing is visible on this site unless I want it to be.
You don’t like it? Too damn bad!
So understand this:
Any name calling, put-downs, gender slurs, profanity about women or derogatory references to me or any other female on this site will get your comment immediately deleted. I mean as soon as the first word of your name calling gender ignorance is demonstrated your stuff is removed from the comment cue.
If what you typed triggers even one of the SPAM or PROFANITY filters, your post is automatically and permanently deleted without any human eyes seeing it. I won’t even know that you submitted something unless I choose to go into the SPAM trash can within 48 hours and see what’s in there. Normally I don’t because I really don’t give a shit.
And just so you know, the #1 trigger word is “bitter”. So even if you are talking about a food item you ate, your rant will be automatically and permanently deleted without human eyes ever seeing it.
You have no rights of free speech on this web page. You best speak like you have some sense and your comments will probably be posted. You can certainly disagree with anything written here, but you need to do so in a respectful way. And only I get to decide what constitutes disrespect, not you.
You don’t understand what that means?
Pretend like your precious big headed Momma is going to read what you post and have to tell her friends about it… that ought to help you check yourself. Because anything even remotely bothersome to my nerves or those of any other female will result in no one here seeing anything you have to say. About anything. Ever.
Category: Men's Issues