Media Events
Ten Traits Men Must Have to Be a Great Husband
What are the qualities that make a man a wonderful husband? Join us for a lively discussion of the traits of a fun boyfriend and how they differ from what a woman should be looking for in a man that make him a dependable, loving husband.
When Valentine’s Day Sucks!
The day after Valentine’s Day is the #1 day of the year for women to cheat. With that fact in mind, why do so many men stubbornly refuse to romance their woman and show appreciation on Valentine’s Day?
Margaret Sanger and the Eradication of the Black Race Using Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger has been accused by Black men of starting Planned Parenthood for the sole purpose of eradicating the black race. Are Black women to be denied the right to birth control and abortions to satisfy the demands of black nationalists?
Black Women Need to Help a Brotha and Date Single Black Men With Potential?
Black women must stop believing they are required to “work with a brotha” when said Black male is beneath her, lagging, lacking in certain vital areas of performance and qualifications. Black women deserve to have what they want and need in a mate, just like women of other races.
Female Submission in Dating and Marriage: Why Should Women Submit to Men?
Tonight we’ll discuss female submission in Black relationships, the pros and cons of submission if any, and the reasons Black men demand that Black women submit to them. Who really benefits from submission by women?
Is Polygyny a Viable Option for Single Black Women Seeking Marriage?
Can polygamous marriages really be the answer to the large numbers of single African American women in the U.S.? Black men say yes and that polygyny should be legalized. What do you have to say about polygyny – a man having more than one wife?
Young Men Being Raised to Be Sociopaths?
The lies, manipulation, using of and violence against women has become so widespread and commonplace in U.S. society, that it appears young males are being raised to be sociopaths. We’ll talk about it on this week’s show.
Sexual Double Standards and The Virtuous Woman
Black men pass down, from generation to generation a mentality that judges and condemns women based on what has happened with one part of her body. When are men going to grow up?
Black women in America: dispelling myths and stereotypes
Sophia Angeli Nelson discusses her well-researched and important book which delves into the challenges faced by the 21st century black woman.
When Sex With Him is NOT All That!
On this show hundreds of women will share what they want from men mentally, emotionally and physically to help men learn how to stimulate their female partners. Become a memorable lover!
Submissive Women Have the Happiest Relationships?
Why is it that Black men are so enamored of the concept of female submission? Do such relationships last longer? Are they happier for both the man and woman or just the man?
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