Sneak Peek: Thick Chicks Home Workout Program

. 08/15/2011 . 0 Comments
How to do the physioball woodchop exercise

From the Foundational Workout of the Thick Chicks Home Workout Program

Not every woman wants to be skinny, but every woman wants to feel strong, toned and sexy!

The Thick Chicks Home Workout Program is designed to reduce fat stores, tone and reshape the figures of curvy women that want to stay that way.  The carefully selected and increasingly more challenging exercise routines take a novice exerciser from being a complete couch potato to a woman doing some pretty impressive moves.

As you move forward through this book, you will drop inches as fluffy fat is reduced and firmed with lean muscle. Jiggly thighs will gain a new tautness; droopy buttocks will lift and become more shapely.  Week by week you’ll be thrilled to see back fat and bra bulges disappearing as well.

This exercise is from the Thick Chicks Foundational Fitness routine, the first of six complete body weight, ball and dumbbell exercise routines in the book.  The Seated PhysioBall Woodchop establishes a base foundation of core strength, trains balance, and opens up the chest and shoulder girdle while toning the abdominal muscles and the muscles along the sides of the waist.

Log onto for more information or to add your name to the mailing list. Be one of the first to get notification of when The Thick Chicks Home Workout Program is available for purchase!


Love Handles Be Gone:
The Physioball Seated Woodchops with Hands

The obliques are small abdominal muscles along the sides of your waist. When they are weak, you’ll see “love handles” and “muffin tops.”

Sit on ball with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands. Your arms should be reaching up over your right shoulder. Most of your weight should now be felt on the right side of your body.

Draw in your abdominals and sit upright on the ball. Elongate your spine.

Keeping your chest high and your arms straight, rotate your torso at the ribcage.

Shift your weight onto your left side as you move your hands slowly down to the outside of your left knee, while looking straight ahead. Return to start position and repeat all reps on that side, then switch to other side.

Hold a small dumbbell between your palms for more of a challenge.

Book available for pre-order in mid-October 2011 with shipments going out in early December, the perfect time for Christmas gifts and New Year resolutions!

Be sure to add your name to the mailing list so that you get advance notice of the special offer available only to the first 100 purchasers of The Thick Chicks Home Workout Program!



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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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