Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."
MsHeartBeat's Latest Posts
Texting Got Him Put on Nignore
He asked her to come by his house for a date by text and has the nerve to be surprised that he got put on NIGNORE?
Drama Dating an Ex-Convict
She feels she has finally met the smart, affectionate man of her dreams, however his very dark past is creating problems in their relationship.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words?
Which should a woman give more weight to… a man’s actions and behavior, or what he says?
My Girlfriend Thinks I am a Snoop
He got dumped after snooping through his girlfriend’s cell phone. Can he get her back?
Why Men Worry About Your Sexual Past
When will women learn that men can’t handle hearing about their sexual past or previous lovers and just shut up?
WTF Are You Having That Nothing Ass Man’s Baby For?
Being a mother comes with huge financial responsibilities as well as mental/emotional obligations. Providing food, clothing and shelter is just the tip of the iceberg. Children brought up in broken family units or one that has only one parent in it right from the start, tend to have more social and behavioral problems as compared to those who were raised by both parents. Statistics show that individuals, who are single parents are more likely to live in poverty, especially “baby mommas”, as they tend to be younger and less educated.
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