
Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."

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MsHeartBeat's Latest Posts

What is the Best Opening Line to a Woman on an Online Dating Site?

. 05/14/2014 . 1 Comment

I’ve asked my friends for advice on how to introduce myself to a women on an online dating site that I find interesting or have shared interests. To say the least, the advice is all over the place! I need help because this is unbelievably confusing.

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Is it Too Soon to Tell Him I Love Him After Dating Only a Month?

. 11/29/2013 . 1 Comment

Everyone can be on their good behavior for a short period of time, but after 6-9 months, folks relax their front and ish gets real. As time passes and you spend more time together, you get to see more of who he really is, how he handles conflicts and problems, levels of responsibility and accountability, you meet his family, you meet his friends, you see how he is living, you learn how he thinks and what his values and morals are.

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Mother in Law Throws Shade After She Hears Us Making Love

. 10/25/2013 . 1 Comment

Each “morning after” she will either refuse to look at me, make unnecessarily biting comments, or just glare at me when she thinks I’m not looking. I thought I was imagining it but after several months of living together, this is definitely the reason why. I’ve become paranoid about making love and we are very careful about being quiet — almost to the point of silence!

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While Separated My Husband Had a Baby With Another Woman!

. 10/15/2013 . 3 Comments

During a separation a husband has created a child with another person. What should the wife do – say or go?

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Why Don’t Women Talk to a Good Black Man Like Me?

. 08/30/2013 . 8 Comments

Relationships are as much biological as they are emotional, at least at the beginning. You approached her because your dick got a tingle and you reacted biologically. Understand this good black man, since she didn’t get a tingle she rejected you.

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Told married man to leave me alone, but at times I get weak for him…

. 07/17/2013 . 0 Comments

Single women should never waste time with a married man. Telling him to “leave me alone”, then whining for time and acknowledgement from him sends a mixed message and gives him too much power.

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I Abused My Wife and Now She Wants a Divorce

. 05/22/2013 . 3 Comments

She said that she wants a divorce so she can work on her own problems. She has also told me she is confused and feels no emotion at all right now. I feel that we could both work on our own problems and still work on our marriage. I told her that I agree with the separation for right now, just not the divorce. Am I crazy for feeling this way?

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What Does it Mean When a Man is ALWAYS Late for Dates?

. 10/09/2012 . 0 Comments

If you are dating a man that is always late for dates, you need to get real clear on the fact that he is “just not that into you” and let that relationship go. Ms. HeartBeat breaks it down for readers.

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Husband Having Inappropriate Relationship With Adopted Teen Daughter

. 08/07/2012 . 1 Comment

Husband demonstrating questionable behavior with 16 year old adopted daughter has wife wondering where his allegiance really lies as he behaves in an increasingly disrespectful manner.

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Single black female questions her attraction to white males

. 07/06/2012 . 8 Comments

Single black female wonders why she has no interest in dating black males, prefers white males, and feels more comfortable with any non-black men than black males.

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Engaged to a man I’m worried has a porn addiction

. 04/01/2012 . 1 Comment

Young woman engaged to be married in a few weeks is distrustful of her fiancee due to his repeated denial that he watches porn, though his computer history says otherwise.

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What is the deal with this wedding gift registry thing?

. 03/29/2012 . 1 Comment

When couples have sex, have babies, and live together before marriage, what sense does it make for them to have a giant fancy wedding complete with a wedding gift registry?

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