Colonel of Wisdom Not Very Wise About Black Women, Female Sexuality or Men

. 06/26/2012 . 10 Comments

Why would a woman focus so hard on what one advice columnist (me) says and does when it comes to female sexuality and  sexual freedom for women?  This Colonel of Wisdom chick from You Tube goes so far as to call women whores and to describe a woman that has multiple lovers as having “a high mileage vagina.” Wow. Really? I had to check my calendar to make sure it was still 2012 and not 1612 instead!female sexuality black women sexuality

Are There Any Benefits to Women to Suppress Their Sexuality?

What is the benefit to women of staying chaste to meet the approval of judgmental, condemning black men and women that judge females by what goes on between their legs? Think about that and please provide your answer in the comments section. Because I don’t see one. I think that women learn their bodies and learn themselves and get good at sex by having sex! Just like anything else, it takes practice to get comfortable with sexuality and to become skilled at sex.

Is There on Odometer on a Female Vagina?

How can a woman have a “high mileage vagina” like there is an odometer on it? Male equipment is reported to average 7″ in length which means there are a lot that are smaller and some that are larger as well. However, compared to a 7-10 lb baby, whatever a man has between his legs is nothing! So who would worry about what a woman has done with her vagina and how much it has been used? How can a little tiny penis make any difference? It doesn’t except to a guy on the lower end of that average.

Anyway, this is the list, in no particular order of importance, of the men and women that worry about what a woman has done with her vagina:

  1. Male dominated women that live their lives seeking approval from men they don’t even know;
  2. Men that are insecure about their masculinity who have been rejected by the hot girls that didn’t want them because they have no sexual dynamism;
  3. Women that mistakenly believe that they have a higher value to men and will have a better marriage because they didn’t sleep around;
  4. Women that mistakenly believe their husband won’t cheat on them because they deliver a low mileage vagina to him;
  5. Men that have little to no sexual experience with women and are afraid that the men you slept with before had a bigger dick then he does;
  6. Men that have little to no sexual experience with women who are terrified that the men you slept with before can satisfy you better than he can;
  7. Angry black men that believed by going to school and getting a job, they would be entitled to get the hot girls they wanted. They are pissed that they were rejected while young and that women don’t want them until they are older;
  8. Men that have little to no sexual experience with women who are afraid that you will laugh at him because his sexual skills are lacking. He’s angry too!;
  9. Men that are angry and resentful that they grew up without getting the pussy and girls they wanted, so now they think they have the right to put women down that previously rejected them who might be more interested in what they have to offer now that the women have gotten the play out of their system.

Why Can’t These Guys Man Up and Stop Being Little Bitches?

angry young black man

Why can’t these women realize that the days of women living their lives full of anxiety and sexual frustration (aka “hysterical“) to keep their vagina pure in order to please men are long over. Women have the right to pursue relationships with multiple lovers, enjoy sex with guys that are skilled lovers, and to become a wife later in life after having lovely experiences with men, freely expressing your full sexuality.

You too can enjoy sexing down hot dudes when young, then marry the corny provider dude when you are older and have gotten all the play out of your system by following the Five Golden Rules for Dating a Street Dude.  Remember, you do not fall in love with these types of guys because they are NOT relationship material. There is a skill to everything and rules which must be closely followed before you play yourself!

The video below explains why black women should not worry about black men’s religious-based judgments of female sexuality, their harsh labels, fears or criticisms. Learn how to get the best of both worlds by playing men’s games even better than they do!


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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