Day 4 – 40 Days of Rain on FUBAR Black Men – Racking Up Pussy Points

. 03/06/2013 . 4 Comments

Starting in the late teens and going through to age 30 or so, young black men should be focusing on three things to set themselves up for the future:

  1. Acquisition of Formal Education
  2. Establishment of a Solid Career or Building a Stable Business
  3. Building a Financial Platform for Future Security

racking up pussy points chasing tail always after womenInstead, however, most young black men are focused on nothing but their dick. They focus on getting it wet at every opportunity, and shoving it in as many holes as they can find and fill. Most aren’t too particular about the female body they shove it in either, which we’ll discuss more in a future essay.

The main point I want to make here is in spite of the fact that all they do is come down with dreadful diseases, break women’s hearts and create a bunch of unwanted babies they can’t take care of (because they failed to do 1-3 above), black men continually focus on sex, sex and more sex.

Instead of saving his money to buy a home, the typical Brotha puts his money into looking good and riding fine – all acquired with the singular goal of increasing his chances of getting more pussy.

Instead of investing his money in real property, a money market account or CDs or a profitable business, the typical Brotha high sides and wears what would be his wealth on his back.

Young black men that spend too much time in the black community we call Blackistan don’t have much of a chance to escape this nonsense. If they try to get out, ghetto hood rats call them corny or square because they aren’t being stupid like everyone else to shame them into being mediocre like they are.

Young girls also get into the act and may taunt and tease the more serious-minded young black male for going to school, having a job and staying focused. Since he is not “cool” they don’t want much to do with him. Many young men are weak… they don’t have the personal fortitude to withstand these taunts, and succumb to the bullshit just to “be like everybody else” and “get along.”

Being like everyone else, especially when those men they are emulating are at the bottom of the totem pole, is the worst mistake a black male could make.

And you’d think older, more mature black males would mentor the younger guys and help them stay on the right path. Ha! Older loser men are some of the worst! I’ve heard older black men in their 30s and older tell the younger cats to get as much ass as they can, not to get caught up in their feelings, not to fall in love “with a bitch”, “fuggit them ho’s” and that “find ’em, fuck ’em and forget ’em” should be adopted as their modus operandi when dealing with black women.

In other words these piece of shit adult black males teach young, impressionable black youths that black women are fine to use for sex, but not to love and care for.

In other words, older NAMS (my acronym for Nothing Ass Men), directly contribute to the failure of young black men to aspire to be anything more than a stud, tricking his way through life and women’s beds.

Sadly, even when most of these guys socialized to focus on sex, sex and more sex finally decide to make a commitment to a woman or get married, most of them cheat on their girlfriend or wife anyway. They end up gaming on, lying to and doing all they can to manipulate two or three women. Their singular goal is to get their dick wet, with no regard for who they are hurting or the damage they are doing to their families and their woman’s trust.

This type of hurt rips a woman and a family apart. Most of the damage men do by chasing around is irreparable.

The disturbing part is that MEN KNOW THIS PAIN WILL BE THE OUTCOME. But the call of wild pussy yet to be conquered means more to them than the commitments they made, the vows they took, or the people they will hurt. The mentality of DBR black men is that they just have to get the pussy before it gets away.trying to talk her into something she is not feeling you

On top of that, these cheaters don’t bother to use protection. They are so caught up in getting some new pussy that they ignore the realities of disease transmission and pregnancy because the pussy feels better raw. So they cheat and bring home myriad STDs to their wives – back to back yeast infections and pelvic inflammatory disease are common.

However, these forays also bring home unwanted guests such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, chlamydia, genital warts, herpes and gonorrhea. Some of these dudes even bring home a baby they made with the other woman. So now, in addition to being required to deal with the hurt of having a cheating man that lies to her, the wife has to explain to HER children where this other baby came from. She also has to figure out how much her children are going to be negatively impacted by the fact that the household has to absorb monthly child support payments and health insurance premiums for a child the pussy chaser didn’t have to make.

So now there is a new baby that nobody wanted with the woman dude cheated with. She’s a mother of a baby that was created by a married man in a jacked up situation so there is no future there. Her life is negatively impacted because she got herself into a bad situation. The baby’s life is negatively impacted by no fault of its own. The wife’s life is negatively impacted because her dream of happily ever after has blown up in her face. The wife’s children with her husband are negatively impacted because their mother is broken hearted and their father wrecked their home life.

The only one that got what he wanted out of the situation was the cheating husband – but if you notice, its everyone else that paid the price for him chasing pussy! Everyone else will continue to pay emotionally for the rest of their life because this man couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

Please explain to me how this kind of behavior – lying, corner cutting, and hurting other people without a care in the world except for your dick – demonstrates leadership and the qualifications to be head of household?

Whether the man is single or married isn’t the issue here. The issue is the focus, the energy, and the drive that motivates black men to chase tail. Here are typical games black men run on black women to get their dick wet.

#1 How about we spend some time together… I want to see you! Come over (or he comes over to your place) and we can “watch movies.” Once he’s there and comfortable he puts the moves on you because he really only came to get his dick wet.

#2 Calls you late at night “to talk” for a day or two to prime you to want to see him, then asks to come over so he can get his dick wet.

#3 Pressures you to “just try it!” (drugs) or “have some, you need to relax!” (alcohol) or “let me rub your back” to reduce your resistance and make it easier for him to manipulate or coerce you into being sexual when you don’t want to be. Sometimes they pressure women to wife swap, go to orgies or do other freaky fetish-type things that she doesn’t want to do. He pressures her to sacrifice herself and give him what he wants at her expense because all he is thinking about is his dick.

#4 Only wants to spend time with you at your place or his, never out in public. He is trying to stay close to the bedroom and/or the couch so he can get his dick wet.

#5 Conversations always tinged with sexual innuendo, even if you never slept with him and have no intention of it in this lifetime or the next. He may discuss his sex life or ask you about yours in an attempt to get you excited and curious about what he could do in bed so he can get his dick wet.

#6 Conversations tinged with memories of sex past, though you two have been broken up for years sometimes. He remains hopeful that you will get hot and let him come over so he can get his dick wet.

#7 Though you said you are through with him, he calls every 3-6 months to “see how you doing” which is code for seeing if you are lonely and horny enough to let him roll through and tap that ass.

#8 If you fall for it and let him come over, he will be Mr. Lovey Dovey and full of ‘regrets’ for how things ended between you. But as soon as you sleep with him you get the “I’m not ready for a relationship and you know we have issues” speech. He just wanted to tap that ass and get his dick wet.

#9 Strangers will practically chase you down the street when you are minding your own business with cat calls, leering, nasty comments about your body, grabbing their dick, outright sexual propositions or even touching you inappropriately. They think this is the way to come up on some ass and get their dick wet. Even if the person they are doing all this to is a child of only 11-15 years old.

#10 Social media is a favorite hunting ground for the desperately thirsty male seeking to get some. Instant messages with dick photos, propositions, asking “do you have a cam?” or asking women to “send me a picture of your boobs!” are common. Other guys try to meet up off line in the hopes that things will end at a motel so he can fuck a complete stranger.

#11 Will lie about the fact that he has a woman, has a wife, or has a baby on the way with some other woman. His goal is to get his dick wet, so he is going to leave out vital information that would make you not want to be bothered with him. Other information that black men are notorious for omitting – children they have, that they live with a girlfriend, that they live with their mother, that they are jobless, that they don’t have a car. Instead, he will create fables and lies such as his car is in the repair shop, his mother is living with HIM, that he quit the job to start a business, that he only lives with the girlfriend because he couldn’t kick her and his own child out on the man cheating hiding lying to wife cheating on girlfriend

You get the idea.

Anything that they think would be a turnoff they conveniently eliminate from the conversation. His sole goal is to manipulate you into believing things that are not true. He exerts an amazing amount of time and energy to creating fabulous lies because he wants you to give him some ass, believing that this dalliance with him has a future.

All women love a man who presents her with options for a positive future. However, with the Black male’s chief focus on sex-related activities and screwing vs. building, creating and achieving stability and greatness, is it any wonder that the black community is in shambles? Is there any doubt in your mind why black women have such a difficult time trusting black men?

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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