Tag: abusive Black men
My Friend Went Back to Her Abusive Ex
A concerned friend writes to Ms. HeartBeat, asking what if anything she should say to a dear friend who rekindled a relationship with an abusive ex who now seems hell bent on controlling her every move.
Black Men Be All Up in Their Feelings Like Women
Modern black men be all up in their feelings like women, whining about the things black women say on social media and demanding that women specify SOME black men when she is critical of black male behaviors.
Rhetoric Fatigue Syndrome (RFS) Symptoms and Pathology in Black Women
Rhetoric Fatigue Syndrome or RFS is a recently recognized affliction suffered by millions of black women, most of whom are unaware of the disease or its symptoms such as SICKOFYOURSHITitis and NIGGAPLEASEitis.
Day 3 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Failure to Protect
Widespread acceptance of violence by black men towards black women is dangerous. Black women have no confidence that black men will protect them, as in many instances you are the ones that she needs protection from! Too many of you now see the victimization of women as nothing but entertainment.
Creflo Dollar Black Women Black Church Normalized Abuse and Violence
When does a parent meting out just punishment cross the line and become terrorizing, physically abusing and degrading a child? How can anyone believe such treatment of a child in a case such as this is with Creflo Dollar an appropriate form of discipline?
Book Announcement: The Black Church, Where Women Pray and Men Prey
Controversial new book on the black church and the false prophets that lead them. How black women and children are manipulated and preyed upon in black churches for their time, energy, money and bodies.
The Emotionally Abusive Black Man – Part 2
Emotional abuse is the repeated use of negative behaviors by a male to control and gain the upper hand over a woman. When a man is emotionally abusive, every dismissive and critical word he says, every action he takes to make you feel badly, every threatening gesture he makes is being done with intent and malice. Don’t delude yourself into thinking emotional abuse is an accident.
Beware of the Verbally Abusive Man Hiding in Plain Sight
It really doesn’t matter why a man is verbally or psychologically abusive towards females, nor does it matter if the undercover abuse is purposeful or not, the damage to a woman’s self esteem and emotional stability if she listens to that bullshit is exactly the same, and it can be quite considerable.
Jerks, Assholes, Idiots and Abusive Men: Recognizing Verbal Abuse
Five common tactics abusive men use to derail female confidence. The goal for abusive men is to belittle and insult you so often that you shut down. He wants to be able to treat you any way he likes, and for you to take it without complaint because you’re so beaten down you believe his words to be true.
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