Tag: black men complaints about black women

Rhetoric Fatigue Syndrome (RFS) Symptoms and Pathology in Black Women

. 06/13/2013 . 2 Comments

Rhetoric Fatigue Syndrome or RFS is a recently recognized affliction suffered by millions of black women, most of whom are unaware of the disease or its symptoms such as SICKOFYOURSHITitis and NIGGAPLEASEitis.

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Day 11 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Failure to be Chivalrous

. 03/21/2013 . 4 Comments

Chivalrous behavior is exhibited by men of high moral fiber and character, and they treat everyone in a chivalrous manner because that is who they are. Men that are truly chivalrous gentlemen do not turn their character on and off like a light switch or only be a gentleman to certain people, at certain times. They are instead a chivalrous gentleman to everyone.

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Day 6 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Entitlement Issues and Black Men

. 03/08/2013 . 6 Comments

Violence by bitter beta DBR black men who claim to be “nice guys” or “good black men” discussed. How a sense of entitlement will cause them to verbally abuse women who reject them with profanity, and physically abuse women with flying fists or objects.

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It’s Not a Woman’s Job to Earn a Man’s Respect

. 02/27/2013 . 6 Comments

Does a woman really need to jump through hoops to earn a man’s respect? In truth, respectful people give others respect without reservation. Those that think they are so grand others have to earn their respect are crazy.

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Will the Real Bitch and Ho Please Stand Up!

. 01/26/2013 . 0 Comments

To those who profess to be men, whenever other black men try to point fingers and put black women down, you need to engage these punks, not sit back and say nothing because you are afraid of the backlash! The black woman can never be a bitch and a ho because it has been black men at the core of all of the evil that has befallen our people, so he is the real bitch and ho!

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How the Black Church Destroyed My Marriage and My Life

. 08/08/2012 . 17 Comments

One man shares his heartwrenching story of how love was ruined by twisted scripture and unethical men in the black church. A sad tale of how the black church impacted one man’s wife, destroyed his marriage and ruined his life.

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Colonel of Wisdom Not Very Wise About Black Women, Female Sexuality or Men

. 06/26/2012 . 10 Comments

Whether you have four, 14 or 44 lovers, with each man you learn more about your female sexuality and sexual response. You must follow these guidelines for selecting men with whom to share your body, and the 5 rules for engaging in sexual activity with hot sexy men to protect yourself and avoid drama.

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Natural Hair and Dating – Does Wearing Natural Hair Impact Dating Options?

. 06/20/2012 . 0 Comments

As more black women drop weaves, relaxers and flat irons in favor of natural hairstyles, they may find that changing over to natural hair can have a great effect on dating options. Natural hair and dating discussed! Call 347-327-9215 to participate in the discussion.

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When a Religious Black Man is Looking for a Wife

. 06/02/2012 . 18 Comments

The hypocrisy of the so-called religious black man is evident when they make posts such as the one quoted here. Why does every black man with an opinion about what HE wants in a wife flatly state that his thoughts apply to every single black man in the world. It’s as if they truly believe their opinion is universal and every black woman should listen to them just because they are a man.

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Controlling Black Men and the Word ‘All’

. 05/19/2012 . 4 Comments

Observations about the mindset of black men who demand women change the way they write or speak and use the words some, most, a few, etc. when criticizing men. Here’s a humorous critique of the male ego and The All Police.

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Marriage and Men Stop Complaining About What Women Don’t Do and MAN UP!

. 05/06/2012 . 3 Comments

Some men place sole responsibility for keeping marriage exciting on their wife. A 20+ yr husband says stop whining and MAN UP! To create the marriage you want guys, you gotta lead the way.

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Black Women Prefer Relationship With Jesus to Black Men

. 02/22/2012 . 1 Comment

A recent Washington Post survey shows that Black women feel a relationship with Jesus is more important than being married, having children, or having a loving relationship with a man. These and other findings discussed tonight on The Date Smarter Not Harder Relationships Talk Show hosted by Deborrah Cooper.

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