The “On Point” Black Man, Leadership and Submission

. 07/20/2010 . 42 Comments

The On Point Jerk

I believe that an insistence on being in total control and having the final say for everything, whether such demand comes from a male or female, will kill your relationship.  No relationship, whether it be business, marriage, friendship, or a parent/child relationship will be successful or reach its full potential if one person is made to feel inferior or that their input is insignificant.

One young man expressed his belief that when a man is “on point” he rises above other men and has no need to concern himself with such statements as “happy wife, happy life.”  Nor does he have to worry about being in the doghouse and being forced to sleep on the couch if he angers or disappoints his woman, and he certainly doesn’t need to go out of his way to please his woman on her birthday or Valentine’s Day. He believes that he doesn’t have to do much of anything to please a woman because he is “on point.” He believes that his “on pointness” projects him to a level so vastly superior to hers that she should be happy he even looks at her I suppose. Wow.

Sometimes I wonder if men understand how they come across to women, how dismissively hurtful and belittling some of their statements and attitudes can truly be.

An insistence on being in total control means that he places himself in the role of always being right, and the woman as always being wrong.  When a man assumes that he is superior and that his woman is incapable of any sort of leadership of the household, he is communicating that her thoughts are unworthy of being listened to or taken seriously.

That would make most women feel pretty sad and depressed.

Unfortunately, many of the guys I’ve spoken to about this issue believe that if they listen to a woman it means they are being weak and that the woman is running things. Why not think that your woman, your partner, has your back? Is it really that farfetched to think that she just might have some insight or point to consider that you have overlooked? Why do you guys insist on setting up your relationship as an adversarial one instead of one of partnership and teamwork?

And why would an “on point” Black man get with any woman that he felt was totally incapable of leadership anyway? Can these types of men trust that he will have leadership in the areas where he is strong, and in areas where his mate is strong, she will have leadership?

After all, at any given time due to illness, accident, time in the Armed Forces or simply need, the roles may change… one of you may need to step into the role of leader and the other follow for awhile. And if neither is particularly strong in a specific arena, is it not best that the couple collaborate and set their sights on a goal that will be most beneficial for the family as a unit?

Nicki, a Facebook fan, had an interesting perspective on the issue saying:

“These guys fail to validate what women say, and always seek to have the ‘upper hand’ in any type of conversation between the sexes. Brothas don’t know what the word compromise, validation, credit, support, loyalty, sensitivity and emotional care-giving looks like or even means to a woman, much less in a relationship.”

Could this be what successful, educated Black women really mean when they say “I just can’t find a man ‘on my level’?”

Do Women Really Want Control?

My discussion buddy Don believes that most Black women WANT to lead and maintain control. Not saying he is wrong because I’m sure some do, but most do not.  What Black women hunger for most is a man that follows through and does what he says he is going to do.  Black women long for a man that they can trust, a solid belief that their man’s word is golden. Black women want a man that won’t let them down… who won’t disappoint, that won’t abandon them in time of need, and who won’t make them panic with fear of losing the security which is the foundation of her family nest.

What all women have is a real fear that turning over their lives and future to the hands of some unproven or sometimey, flaky dude will put her in the position of being homeless and/or broke. She naturally resists his demand to take over because she doesn’t fully trust him. I think when a man comes in the door demanding to lead, and a woman says “no,” it makes perfectly logical sense for her to do so.

A male must first prove himself to be a MAN worthy of taking the reins of leadership of a family and household. If you are one of those guys just talking shit about what you are “gonna woulda shoulda” do and not actually doing much of anything, please go sit down somewhere and shut the hell up. You ain’t ready for prime time, and you have not yet earned the privilege of a title such as “leading man.” So you don’t get to lead anything. You only get to follow or get out of the way, but you don’t get to lead.

Leadership is a privilege provided to men that both talk the talk AND walk the walk.


Black men and woman have a long history of painful interactions that must be healed. We can’t blame one side for the failure of our relationships, and must work together to figure this thing out and repair our communities. Our work must begin with teaching Black men that leadership is not about ruler-ship. Leadership is also not about telling a woman or man what to do like a child… leadership is about being an example for others to emulate.

Ladies, please understand that any man not qualified to be a leader is a danger both to himself and everyone around him. Our streets and communities are full of aimless young men that are not leading themselves because they don’t know how… they have no vision and no purpose.  A visionless man not working on achievement of goals will be destructive, not creative; he will tear you down, not build you up. He will also lack the tools to prevent his loved ones from suffering or failing. No female should ever date, marry, or have children with a male that has no vision, no goals and no direction.

The reality is that we need to create long-term relationships where both partners are “on point.” Our goals must be to create a better life for ourselves and our loved ones, together.  A man seeking a partner should want his capable yet trusting woman walking beside him, not in front and most definitely not behind.

As one father said:

“As a real man I have no choice but to lead. I can’t let certain things happen to my family and community. I can’t let my children grow up and be deviants! No daughter of mine will ever walk outside showing her behind or talk nasty. No young man that I claim will ever disrespect a woman, sell drugs, use drugs, drink, etc. Education is a must; mediocrity is not acceptable.  Women must demand that men be nothing less than true leaders, not spectators as many Black men are today.”

Perhaps then Black women will happily allow Black men to lead, as there will be real men in our communities, aptly qualified to guide us all to greatness.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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