Tag: dating tips
Single Black Men Insist on Open Marriages?
An advice seeker asked me to explain the reasons why so many young Black men are insisting that their prospective bride agree to an open marriage – or there will be no wedding.
My Girlfriend Thinks I am a Snoop
He got dumped after snooping through his girlfriend’s cell phone. Can he get her back?
Why Men Worry About Your Sexual Past
When will women learn that men can’t handle hearing about their sexual past or previous lovers and just shut up?
If You Didn’t Provide it For Yourself, It’s Not SELF Esteem!
Women with low self-esteem make poor choices in men out of fearful desperation. Women must stop allowing men to impact or control in any way their self image, and thereby damage or control their SELF esteem.
Can Exes Be Just Friends?
Can exes be friends? Sure they CAN, but what would be the point? Someone is just going to try to cock-block or get back in where you don’t want them to be, flip out with jealousy, or be all up in your business. When its over, let it be over and move on.
Mind Over Emotion: The Woes of Loving the Intellectual Man
My advice to women is if you are with men who come from the intellectual ivory tower, mentality you may find someone who lacks feelings/emotions and ability to make emotional connections. They are emotionally walled off (to varying degrees some more than others). Depending on the severity of their emotional disconnect, they can break your heart as they never put the emotion into the relationship that you do. Women often feel drained dry.
Sailing The Seven C’s of Love and Communication
There are seven primary behavioral patterns which dictate the success or failure of a romantic partnership. To encourage honest communication, respectful treatment and unyielding commitment to your relationship, try following these seven suggestions.
The Decline in Black Marriages… Is Marriage for Educated White People?
A report released on January 18th, 2010 by the Pew Research Center identifies a fundamental reconfiguration of marriage: As a consequence of increased education and greater access to high-paying jobs, wives are more likely than ever before to earn more and to be better educated than their husbands. Research indicates that equality in a number of areas is associated with today’s successful relationships: similar background, social class and educational level among them. Why then are so many Black men angry at Black women for demanding that their spouse have a college degree?
Don’t Waste Your Time on a Fearful Defeatist
Some people submit to defeat quickly. Their fear of failure causes them to settle for mediocrity instead of taking the risk to achieve excellence. Defeatist attitudes are easier to assume than facing one’s fears and moving forward. However, the courageous, those that become successful and leaders, those that make things happen never stop, never give up and never succumb willingly to defeat. The #1 goal of the courageous winner is to get to the other side of fear and the limitations fear places on our willingness to seek and then achieve greatness. Whatever you need to do, get over your fears!
The 70% of Black Women Are Single Lie Exposed
I think it is important to note that statistics I am going to present apply only to those who self-identified in the last Census as just Black – not Black and Native American, not bi-racial, not a blend of three or more races like Tiger Woods with his Cablasian self. The “single never married” group of African Americans is close to 50% of the African American population. However, this statistical grouping also includes men. It also includes people that are gay or lesbian, that don’t want to get married EVER, those incarcerated that are not allowed to marry until their release, as well as those involved in a relationship that is not yet at the altar (engaged or living together).
Why Women Should Stop Having Children
My lobby against women having children has begun. You ladies limit your options when you are saddled down with some knucklehead’s child. You give him power over you to drag you into court, something to threaten to take from you, something he can hurt in a twisted attempt to hurt you. When you have children and are raising them alone, you will end up broke and tied down. You cannot go out and have fun anymore because you have responsibilities. You end up overwhelmed, frustrated, and often viewed by other men as being unworthy of being anything more than a roll in the hay because now you are “used goods.”
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