Cons of Marriage – Why Women Should Not Get Married

. 04/27/2010 . 87 Comments

For more than a year I’ve watched a variety of media outlets focus on what’s wrong with Black women. We’ve been accused of having the highest incidents of new AIDS cases, being too educated and professional to be chosen as wives, being too obese, to have too many children out of wedlock, and to be the only race of women that our own men don’t want to “wife up.”

I’ve been thinking about writing on this subject for quite awhile, but was finally motivated to get off my ass after the Nightline faceoff “Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man” aired on April 21, 2010 with Steve Harvey, Hill Harper and Sherry Shepherd. This broadcast follows the ABC December 2009 “Single Black Female – And Plenty of Company” which also featured giggle boy Steve Harvey.

Black men love to attempt to make Black women feel bad when she is winning an argument, puts him in check, or rejects his advances by saying “well, that’s why you’re single!” as if being part of a couple is a trophy to be won. Even the panelists expressed such trite beliefs to no one’s surprise. Why do Black men (and brainwashed women) feel the need to drag Black women down with statements that infer that in spite of our progress, we are still nothing and nobody because we can’t “get” a husband? Seems some people think our sassy, sexy, confident selves need to be brought down a notch or two.

Who Cares About Being Married Anyway — Marriage is for Suckas!

Marriage is basically a bullshit mind game played on women for generations. Women were trained to think that being married is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Until they are married and get first hand experience, most women do not understand that being a free maid, cook, breeding stock and social secretary is not a goal to strive for.

The oft-quoted statistics on marriage used to bash Black women with by ABC television and Black men certainly show a greater level of marriage amongst other races. However, those stats do not reflect how many of those marriages last, nor how many of those marriages are happy and fulfilling for the wife.

Isn’t that more important than just being married?

As I said, last week ABC’s Nightline presented a panel discussion which addressed the reasons why professional, educated Black women aren’t married like professional, educated White women are. The focus of the non-professional panelists were the reasons why Black men felt Black women didn’t know how to get and keep a man.

From the perspective of the panelists, Black women seemed to have a somewhat reduced value in the dating pool because (1) their expectations were too high; (2) their desires in a man unrealistic; (3) their refusal to settle for a man “with potential” the key reason for the high number of single Black professional women.The panel’s tired solution concluded that Black women must lower their expectations if they wanted to ever be married.  But why aren’t White and Asian women told to lower their expectations if they want to marry? Why is it that only Black women are told to expect little to nothing from a man?

(this article is 5 pages long – see below)


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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  1. Carol says:

    It is amazing how, although there are so many different types of Black women with different backgrounds and personalities, we are always put in a negative category.

  2. SunnyDay says:

    I read this article once a month just for fuel. Blessup!

  3. John says:

    After reading this article, I will say you did a great job. I highly respesct your opinion. Unfortunately, my initial reaction was negative. I took the time to sit and let it sink in before I wrote a comment. Initially, your comments are the exact reason why I won’t date a black woman. They seem to angry and self-righteous. I’m a man of mixed race (black/white), and have a brown skin tone. I have one bachelors degree, several professional licenses and certifications in the medical field, and currently I am working on my second bachelors, and will obtain my graduate afterwards, so as you can see I am educated and accomplished.
    I have no problem attracting black women, unfortunately, I only attract ghetto hoodrat, 2+ kid having, no job, poor grammar, overweight, uneducated black women. I won’t date those kind of women. I find many black women attractive, but in my experiences in my 30+ years of living, every well-educated, accomplished, intelligent to my standards (knows how to carry on a relevant conversation with proper grammar) still thinks that any “brutha” is below them, and won’t give them the time of day unless they look like Taye Diggs or Morris Chestnut, drive a BMW, and live in a condo while pulling in 6-figures. So if I went after say a Vivica A. Fox, she wouldn’t look my way, and I’d be stuck with a Mo’Nique (sorry, she may be accomplished, but is the least attractive to me, and supports the stereotypes of ghetto sista with her yelling and character portrayals)
    So when people say that black women as you described, have high standards, I have to agree. I have no problem obtaining a woman of a different race of the same “level” as these educated and prosperous black women, and they rarely have these “holier-than-thou” attitudes. My both of my sisters, beautiful, educated and mixed like myself of course, says it’s because many accomplished black women are afraid of losing all they have worked so hard for if they end up with a black man, due to their own irrational fear caused by the stereotype.
    Everytime I hear my black female friends complain about a “brutha” they talked to or dated, they act and talk like he wasn’t good enough, and they deserve better, when in truth, they go after thugs. Just like when a white chick goes after the bad boy jeresy shore (shudder) type, black women go for the lil wayne, lil john, lil turd whatever type, and then complain about it later, and blame the good black men for not being there. Let me tell you this. I see a woman with that type of guy, or digging that type of guy, she is not my type of woman, period! It shows me she may be accomplished, but only wants lesser out of a man. I tell my friends this, and they agree with me in my own opinions, and don’t blame me for not dating black women. They even tell their girlfriend’s who ask about me the same, that I won’t date a black woman unless she is at my level (sound familiar)
    Overall though, great article, I resepct your opinion, but i feel if some black women wouldn’t think and feel that any black man will bring them down just by dating or marriage, then they need not to be dating or get married to a black man, and not complain about it.

    • John, I don’t care how “mixed race” your fonky ass thinks you are! You are still a nigga. You have a nigga mentality and a nigga attitude towards Black women. And you ain’t nothing special and mentioning your skin tone merely shows you to be one of those nigga men that thinks he is better than everyone else that is Black. You gotta remember that every single African American person in this country is mixed. Some first generation, some 5th, but we are all mixed with massa’s gene pool just like you.

      Secondly, if you have all those qualities going for you, and women don’t want to be bothered with your ass, it can only mean one of two things: #1 You are so ugly you look like a troll or #2 your attitude is such a turn off that women run screaming from you as fast as their legs will carry them.

      Lastly, you are stupid. You are one of those dumb ass Black men that sit around thinking Black women date some mysterious type of man called a “thug” which none of us know what the fuck you are talking about. We date regular guys that work at the post office, UPS, FED EX, local hospitals, fire houses, own their own businesses, libraries and restaurants, drive trucks and teach school. No, they are not major professionals but neither are they these mysterious “thug niggas” that you all like to think you are so much better than.

      What a joke. It’s disappointing to have allegedly mature, intelligent Black men say the things you are saying. You and men like you are such a disappointment. But if you have a woman of another race that thinks your dumb ass is the bomb, I do suggest that you go over there and look at Becky and be happy.

      • Raz says:

        Deborrah: “But if you have a woman of another race that thinks your dumb ass is the bomb, I do suggest that you go over there and look at Becky and be happy.”

        LOL Becky don’t want his stupid dumb fonky attitude having azz either lol. These jikkas kill me. They think bragging about what nonblack women will have is supposed to make black women sad when we could give less than a dayum. White women still marry within their own race the majority of the time. And most times when brothas do get the Becky’s, she is usually some woman a white guy wouldn’t even want. In fact white guys often joke that they’re glad black men marry the white women they wouldn’t want. And if he had a Becky, he wouldn’t be talking about ‘getting one’. He’d be content with his Becky and go sit down somewhere. Most brothas who make statements like that, usually have been rejected left and right by the women they really want so in order to make themselves feel better, they say they are ‘abandoning the black sistahs and going to get them a becky’. Why would black women get upset by a ‘reject’ going to Becky? She wouldn’t.

    • Raz says:

      John: “So if I went after say a Vivica A. Fox, she wouldn’t look my way, and I’d be stuck with a Mo’Nique “

      Vivica Fox is a creme of the crop type of woman, she can go for whoever she wants to have. You’re not up there like that. You can’t be no 4 or 5 trying to get a 10. That’s the problem, brothas like you always over reaching trying to overstep. Get you a regular girl and be happy and change your fonky attitude. If you’re as successful as you claim you are, then you shouldn’t have a problem with a woman in all your 30 +years. You sound like a dude who is just mad because you can’t get the woman you want because they don’t want you.

      • eLLe85 says:

        Every so often I have to re-read Deborrah’s articles to get a fix. I had to log in to LOL and co-sign you as usual Raz. This brotha sounds exactly like what we said before about so-called “nice guys” who are running around looking like a Ford escort trying to get with a top of the line Benz and then complaining when the Mercedes passes it by but then still don’t want to get with another Ford escort either! LMAO.

    • Raz says:

      John: “I have one bachelors degree, several professional licenses and certifications in the medical field, and currently I am working on my second bachelors, and will obtain my graduate afterwards, so as you can see I am educated and accomplished.

      Get a job and quit hiding from the real world in school. A perpetual student in your 30 + years! At your age you supposed to already be established. What is the point of getting a 2nd bachelors and then getting a Masters on top of that? You sound like a redundant ‘edumucated’ fool’. Probably overburdened with student loans which means you’re broke. And now you’re mad because your broke azz can’t get the woman who is out there with a job and making it happen for herself. lol.

      A successful established woman don’t want to be with no fonky attitude having broke lifelong student. He can’t offer her nothing but ‘promises’. She is right to want a man on her ‘level’. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be in school through your 40’s and she wants a man who has it going on just like she does RIGHT NOW! Accomplished my azz, about the only thing you’ve ‘accomplished’ is let everyone know how stupid desperate and miserable you are because the women you want have consistently put you on ‘nignore’. So now you want to run to Becky. Go with my blessings! But she don’t want you either lol. Becky want men who have it going on even if she doesn’t, so you lose out on all sides bro.

    • Anj says:

      wow, I’m just reading this and all I can say is wow to John. First, like attracts like. When it comes to relationships, we don’t get what we want but we get the essence of who we are. If you’re attracting what you would judge as undesirable, then there’s something about you that fit with the women you’ve met and if you don’t like what you are attracting, then you need to heal that within you. Its so easy for us to blame circumstances and people outside of ourselves without going within first. It would be interesting to see who John is on the inside, his character and nature because there’s no way he would attract what he’s attrating in Black women if he didn’t have some aspect of it within himself.

      I am a beautiful black woman (up there with the ‘vivica fox’ and even jada pinkett smith look), am very educated, great paying job/career, no kids, I’m in my 30’s and I keep myself in shape (not overweight or anything) and have attracted all types of black men. At times, some men feel intimated by me and I recognize that that’s their own insecurity because they usually feel based on their history that a woman like myself would not speak or even go out with them. How wrong could they be and yet, I have no problem with their opinions/thoughts because I don’t attract insecure men.

      My king is a man with a job that’s not six figures yet it’s his character and nature that matches me so well. He’s a good black man all around and the thing about him is no matter what, he my cake and anything else that comes with him financial/status, is just the icing. I accept and will be with him no matter what. I was raised with both my parents and my dad showed me an example of a man that I would one day grow up and want to be with and I have met that person in my king. So John, back to my original statement, like attracts like and if you’re honest with yourself, you would definitely know what I’m talking about…

  4. Brittany says:

    Ms. Cooper,

    I am concluding from this article that you are not married and do not ever plan to get married. Is that true? A pure matter of curiosity, I am not trying to start anything with you (lol)!

    • The first thing you need to do Brittany when you come on this site, is to not assume that everything I write has any reflection on my personal life. Remember, this is my WORK. I give opinions based on what I see happening in society with thousands of women over decades. Look beyond yourself and beyond me when you read here and do not ever conclude anything personal about what I think or do or am.

      So the answer to your question is I’ve been there and done that. My husband died in a car accident some years ago, and I have not met anyone worthy of my hand in marriage yet for me to consider remarrying.

  5. Nicole says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed the article. I am a single AA female in Chicago. A couple’s city if I’ve ever seen one. But I’m proud to say that marriage is not my aspiration. Happiness in all things in what I aspire to. I am proud of being taught to be strong, stand on my own feet, and make ways were there were none. It is my heritage. It is a shame that I cannot find someone similarly equipped, but it’s a testiment to the changes coming. I know that young girls are being taught not to settle because my mother didn’t settle and neither do I. It is such a foreign concept to me.

    Ladies keep achieving, keep focusing, and know that the world does not dictate your life–you have to decide that for yourself. We can be happy without the benefit of a man in our lives. It is what men have been doing for years–George Clooney. I will be a serial bachelorette–love ’em and leave ’em. I’m young, smart, and capable. The world is my buffet and honey, I’m sampling!!!

  6. p says:

    ma’am i support you ideals for equality of the sexes but your approach will destroy the black family and subsequent generations. No one is oppressing you now. Children operate the best in healthly families ideally with a mother AND father. If that’s not possible God will do the rest, however to forgo marriage means a life of abstinence, or a life filled with broken dreams promises and heartache. please dont believe the ‘myth’ of the being in immorality as the way to freedom. How many girls are in some kind of sexual bondage that’s not freedom, but slavery. Sorry. immorality is never the answer. AIDS can occur from tragedy, but many times it is a result of casting of God’s perfect law of marriage. you are contributing to the breakdown of the family and healthly society. You are sadly mistaken. Learn how to follow and then you learn how to lead.

    • If you had read the entire article and truly understood what you read, you would know several things. #1 marriages have been failing for hundreds of years. Since I was a child or not even born during most of that time, I hardly have the power to destroy the black family with one critical blog post. #2 Not being married hardly means a life of abstinence. Don’t you see all the “baby mommas” and “baby daddies” and divorced folks having sex right and left? #3 Many women got AIDS from their husbands that were undercover gays or out creeping with hookers. #4 I have never been a follower, I am a leader and will always be such. #5 Half of what you wrote in your comment has nothing to do with women choosing to live a life without marriage to some chump. As stated in the article if she does decide to marry, she should know what she is in for… not enter into it with stars in her eyes and dreams of a perfect life now that she is married that are unrealistic.

  7. Ga1988 says:


  8. I am not what would be considered a submissive woman, but I do know how to let a man be a man. This is where many women, but especially black women fall short. I believe in the instituition of marriage so much that my company has begun a series of books. In the series the authors tell how they kept the autonomy in their marriages, continued their education, raised their children and leaned on their Higher Power to make it through many of the rough times.

    No, marriage is not for everyone, but anyone considering bringing children in this world should consider marriage. It is so easy to criticize when hard work is involved. Marriage is a journey. I have been with the same man for 25 years. It has been the hardest, most fulflling experience I have ever had.

    Although my husband has not been the best husband, it turns out he was just right for me. Being hard to love, I had to learn how to love him and in that process I became the woman I wanted to be. I am strong, confident, independent, and loved. I know what it is like to see love in the eyes of a man who is grateful I didn’t kick him to the curb when I should have. I didn’t lock him out of my heart when I could have and I didn’t divorce him when others would have. It is my opinion many black women are not marriageable.

    The word marriage means to enter into agreement. Tell me, as a black woman, how many people do you agree with? How agreeable are you with yourself? So many of us are conflicted by our own thoughts and feelings, until we are not mentally capable of really assessing others.

    We need to stop bashing each other and recognize that men/women are like undiscovered terrritory. If you think of marriage as an expedition, you’ll be more inclined to recognize that treasures are uncovered along the way, but you have to be committed to the process. Being successful at marriage takes time. It is not easy and most definitely no for those looking for an escapegoat. Listen, unless a man is beating you, or verbally abusive to you, there is little reason to get a divorce or not to marry (if you plan to have children). Children need both parents. I’d my child be exposed to the natural parents toxic ways, than to consistently introduce strangers to them because I am able to handle what I claimed I wanted in the first place. We are all at fault.

    This is a microwave society. A “let somebody else do it” generation. Where are the people who are willing to fight the good fight? Do what is right because it is the right thing to do? Where are the people who know that anything worth having is worth working for and sticking to it until the job is done.

    Marriage is wonderful, even when it seems bad sometimes. Black girls are not taught they should take care of everything, they are forced to do so because their single mothers could not get themselves together enough to figure out what they really want from and man and seek.

    Out of loneliness and disparation, they continuously make bad choices, then blame it on the man because he ain’t right. We need to stop that craziness and accept responsibility for ourselves.

    • Deborrah says:

      See, that is the problem right there. “Let a man be a man”… what kind of crazy statement is that? A woman does not have the power to stop a male from being a male, nor the power to stop a real man from being a real man. Why women have been brainwashed to think they should assume responsibility for a man’s masculinity when in reality that is his damn job. It is also his job to be the right kind of man, one his mother and all women he comes into contact with will proudly acknowledge as someone they know. If he is not that kind of man to himself, then he ain’t right and you know it.

      You are what I call a “male identified” woman that does not know how to separate herself and her needs and responsibilities from those of a male. You were raised to be codependent as I said in my article, so I can’t really blame you. But as an adult, especially an author on the subject of marriage, it is irresponsible not to show young girls caught in a fairy tale about marriage both sides of the coin. There are pros to marriage, certainly; but there are an equal or greater number of cons and women need to be clearly aware of them.

      • LarryJackson says:

        I think you may have been a bit too quick to derride this “male
        identified” poster. I am still not sure what ‘let a man be a man’
        means but morphing her phrase into strawman polemicals (males can be
        males, real men can be real men ) doesn’t furthur any understanding. I
        like the how you label her I can think of some others:
        “perm identified” women
        “pork chop identified women”
        “too-quick-to-derride-identified” women
        to name a few.

      • Janetta Blake says:

        *Sigh* This has been argued ad nauseum. But I’ll weigh in. My mother, a single parent who has a Masters, investments, homes, etc., taught me to be self-sufficient and get my education. She made me believe that I should never accept a man with less education/success than me, and any man who didn’t have these things were not worthy of me. My mother is in her 60’s, totally alone, never married. I can’t even recall her having a boyfriend when I was young.

        Throughout my 20’s, I had so many gentlemen interested in me, but my conditioning lead me to reject them. I brought home V, who was country and not very smart, but was hardworking and loving. My mother turned up her nose in disgust. Then there was J, who was overweight, but educated, kind, loving and would have given me his left kidney. My mother planned to boycott our wedding if we got married, then insulted him to his face. My third marriage proposal came from T, who was educated, but unemployed. More disgust from my mom who thought he wasn’t good enuff. Now I’m in my 30’s and haven’t had a man in over a year. Totally alone. All my friends are getting married.

        So yeah, that “strong black woman that doesn’t need a man” attitude is toxic.

        • J says:

          Thanks for being honest Janetta. Sad fact is that too many people are content with just jumping from one relationship to the next and getting their freak on. I myself think the whole single satisfied thing is so played out. Men and women are going to be arguing and complaining until the good lord comes back. Me, I am on the lookout for wifey and won’t stop till I find her.

    • Carol says:

      Hi Marty. It’s amazing to hear people say what Black girls are taught and not taught. The Black race is so big and broad that it is impossible to speak for everyone(male or female). I was married for 23 years before I decided to finally divorce a man who thought that it was all right to sleep around. Sometimes sticking it out is the answer and sometimes its not. It depends on the maturity and self esteem of both the male and female involved. Yes it’s best that children have both parents in their lives, but staying married to the wrong person could also send the wrong message to children who are watching. They may grow up thinking that wrong behavior is the norm. I am glad your marriage is working and hope that it only gets easier for you. There are so many different marital situation – it’s best not to judge.

  9. The Rain says:

    How ironic,I have been married for over 15 years,but I still advise guys to think twice about it,because I know women get more out of it than men do.Once again ,I hear all the exaggerations.What man in 2010 does not cook,clean wash his daughters hair and even take the children on vacation and let the wife relax at home?You people are some real losers and you know some real losers.You are who you attract.Most guys would love to get all that free milk without having to buy the cow.But real men are taught to marry a women before you have children.I keep hearing about all these Color Purple relationships.If men are this bad ,I think yall should just date and marry other women.You already got the lesbian mindset and spirit.Do your thang.If brothers are so disgusting and all, why on earth would you want anything to do with them?Oh,I get it,you don’t like men ,you like dick.Those strap ons and dildos just want do.Talking about pussy whipped,give a Black woman a good thigh ride and make her cum and this fool will allow some no good thug to get away with anything.We joke about it all the time.I know this idiot that works every day,while her no count,non working baby daddy is at home sleep.If that mickey fickey could not sling pipe,he would be out on his azz.Show me a woman that is being mistreated by a guy,he is more than likely ringing that bell.You don’t like Black men but you need them to validate your own miserable existence.I smell some rug lickers in the house.You can’t get married so you try trash it,wow!I suggest yall try some hormone replacement treatment.Black women don’t fair too well mentally when they don’t have a man in their life to add balance and to give them the big O.I have noticed some of the most mellow older Black women when they have a husband.And I have noticed that the ones that don’t have a husband are as crazy as bat shit after 40.They are hateful as gut shot grizzles.I did not read this,I have observed this over the last 30 years.These same man haters that poo poo marriage,are the same ones that bitch and moan when brothers say they don’t want to get married or have children.You really lose your ficking mind when their are no brothers around to blame your unhappiness and bad choice making on.Case in point is old Whitney Houston.Bobby was no where near Europe when she started being Whitney and doing Whitney thongs.That ‘s the problem with blaming others for your own screw ups,when you run them off,everybody then sees it was you all along.Real Black men can cook clean and do for themselves.Too many of you people look good in the streets but you live in a pig sty and you can’t boil water.Stop pretending that yall are Suzy Home makers A lot of you even get nervous and start thinking your man is a punk if he does cook clean and all.You know you are not worthy of such a good man,so he must be gay or something.You like drama so you can play ” my drama is bigger than your drama” , with the girls.Marriage is a journey, not a destination.I never try to convince brothers to get married,because you can get a maid,a cook ,etc. buy pussy and still come out ahead financially and without all the nagging,bitching and all.More than likely a man’s mother has brain dirtied him into thinking that he has to be married and have children to be a man.Not so.

  10. CiCi says:

    I’ve been there done that….and I think marriage ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. I also think women lose more of themselves to the marriage and women tend to give up and in – much more than men. Women tend to put forth more effort to make the marriage work and I have a problem with that.

    Now would I rather be married? ONLY, if he was perfectly made for me and how hard is that to find? I don’t have a submissive personality, which I think works for a lotta marriages, if the woman is more under the control of the man…..and I have issues with that scenario. The fact that I was so young the first time and the fact that I’m not a submissive woman…..just made the marriage a struggle.

    I believe in giving as good as I get, if I’m bending over backwards to keep the marriage pliable…..then he should be bending as well…..I just think a lotta men don’t think they have to put as much effort in sustaining the marriage. That makes marriage way too much work and I don’t want to do it.

  11. Raz says:

    This is a ‘strawberry letter’ that came from Steve Harvey’s website’. See below: And steve harvey who himself has been married numerous times and has kids all over the place is a relationship guru? I don’t get it. And men wonder why women are questioning the wisdom of marriage? Look at the trifling shyt women go through when they are married?
    “Hello Steve and the Crew. I am currently a 22 year old college student. I have a 2 year old and I am pregnant with my second child. I am still in a good position to finish college even with the second baby. Although I work part time and go to school full time. My childrens father and I were married for almost 5 years. Last year we were in a process of going through a divorce but decided towards the end to attempt to keep the family together one more time. This is when I concieved again. At first he was relunctant to keep the baby but agreed not to abort it. Since then I have prepared for the baby (clothes, diapers, childcare arrangements, etc.) By myself. Even my family is helping me with my first child until she has to go back to school. At the beginning of the year he finalized the divorce and didnt tell me anything. Not even that he wanted to continue the divorce. And then moved in with another woman whom I suspect he was cheating on me with. And he told me he does not want anything to do with the second baby, he will only be a father to the first. I can go on and on but I dont want to overwhelm this letter. He says the only way he will participate with the unborn child is if I get a paternity test and put him on child support. This is devestating because we both grew up without our biological fathers. We will survive without him but I wasnt expecting for my unborn child to not have his father. I really messed up, what should I do?”

  12. Raz says:

    A friend of a friend of mine who shall remain nameless because she’s a well known person had this to say about marriage, when asked if she would ever ‘tie the knot”

    “Why should I fuk up my life with marriage! I’ve got my life set just the way I want it. I travel all over the world, I have money to do what I want when I want. I own my homes and cars… I don’t want kids. I have nieces and nephews to spoil. I don’t relish having sex with the same dyck night after night for the rest of my life either. I most certainly don’t want to deal with washing some jigga’s laundry worrying about his meals, and if he’s healthy and taking care of his azz. I certainly ain’t having no jigga roost off my hard earned money either.”

    She continued by saying:

    “Nope I don’t want to be somebody’s wife/nursemaid/cook/housekeeper. None of that is worth marriage to me. I just take my sausage when I want it don’t need to buy the whole pig. I’m a serial monogamist. I’m into the dude for as long as it lasts, then it’s off to another dude when I’m ready. My life is lived on ‘MY TERMS’. I get to keep what’s mine and not have to worry about him taking my shyt. So nope marriage is outdated. Women don’t need to marry to get what they want out of a man these days especially women in my position.

    If I get sick, I have a wide network of friends to take care of me, some of whom are doctors and nurses and they do a far better job than some guy would who probably would be pretty useless. I can’t be tied down with marriage. I likes my freedom too much and I like hogging my whole California king sized bed all night. No wet spot.”

    • Kf says:

      Great article. Its speaks to me as well. I’m a white women making good money and I share a great many of the sentiments expressed in the comments and article. Every time I see my mother it’s like the first and only thing she wants to know – have I met anyone yet. It drives me crazy. I love to travel, have the means and time to do so, I have a great job that allows me a lot of freedom and yet that seems to be all that she’s is interested in – have I met someone yet. To me it’s like those bumper sticker/towels that say why do I have to get married I didn’t do anything wrong.

  13. coptic777 says:

    Oh by the way you complain on the internet that was invented by what a man? You work in offices oh thats right built by men. You drive on roads built again by men yet you all think you can do w/ out us. Do you ever hear men saying “we dont need women?”

    How stupid you all are not to realize that w/ out us you women would die!!! Complain about yet get all the privileges that men built for you. It really shows that women really black women can not think past themselves or 5 min ahead of themselves. Amazing.

    • Elle says:

      coptic777: “Do you ever hear men saying ‘we dont need women?”

      Every single day of my life I hear that crap. Men like you should really learn to get over themselves. What woman in her right mind would want to be with someone with that kind of attitude?

  14. Cynthia says:

    lol at Brooklynight a lot of people think that because I grew up around AA women and some my best friends are AA women. I would spend every weekend at one of my AA gf’s home. I At first my parents didn’t like it until they got to meet and know my AA friends and their families. Like the white woman poster, I know the lingo and can get as ‘real’ as any like Kimora Lee. I wish I was an AA woman. They have the best figures on the planet. I was asking my hubby the other day about butt implants lol. He looked at me as if I’d lost my mind.

  15. brooklynight says:

    I think Cynthia is African American.

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