When a Religious Black Man is Looking for a Wife

. 06/02/2012 . 18 Comments

Check out what this guy posted on another website under the title “Something Women Should Be Aware Of, That Men Looking for Wives Consider.”

First of all, let me get this out of the way. Why is it that every Negro with a thought tells black women that what HE thinks is universal and applies to every single man in the world since he thinks it? We’ll talk about THAT mess on an upcoming show.

Okay now for the quote:

One specific quality in a woman that spiritually minded men take into consideration when perusing online profiles is rarity.

You may be shaking your head at this point while thinking, “what in the world is this guy talking about?!?!” It’s actually quite simple. When looking at the many female profiles on bp, one thing is quite noticeable. Similarities in hairstyles (weaves and wigs), facial appearance (makeup and “arched” or as I would say, “thinly sliced” eyebrows), clothing (short skirts, or tight pants), and exposed flesh (breasts, legs, thighs and more) being the most frequent offenses, along with an undesirable attitude (statements like “Tired of fake &((*&^$#$^@#&^”, or Imma real (*&(*&@(^. No man in his right mind would desire a female dog as a wife.Click here to find out more information about The Black Church Where WOmen Pray and Men Prey

The hard thing to find is a woman separated from the look, attitude, demeanor, understanding, and character of the world. Many brothers are searching for one that adorns herself with a meek, humble, and quiet spirit. One who the man and children can call blessed. Who can keep a home (Next paragraph), raise the children, and tend to the needs of her husband. One who has the lines up completely with the biblical “Virtuous woman”. “Who can find a virtuous woman”, is a VERY true, and profound opening.

Speaking of “keeping a home”, some of the pics of grown(over 21) women on the pages have backgrounds that look as if they weren’t cleaned since the industrial age. Dirty floors, sinks, walls, etc, clothes everywhere, disorganized kitchens with dirty dishes about. Are you kidding me? Instead of attempting to poke your behind out for a photo, how about getting a mop, broom, duster, soap, bleach, and water, and going to town on your surroundings? Trust me, a GOOD man has no desire to dwell in filth, or uncleanness. He’s looking for a woman who can keep a home clean, and lives a clean lifestyle herself. Your surroundings are a reflection of yourself. If they are nasty, you more than likely are too.

Last, but not least, REAL men are looking for a woman with the first and foremost goal of living a life to the glory of the Most High GOD of Israel. If you cannot submit and be obedient to the entirety of His gospel, what would make a man think that you will be a faithful and obedient wife to him? In closing, here are a couple of things to consider.

Please read the KJV.

1 Corinthians 11:5-6

Psalm 119:128

Exodus 28:40-42

Leviticus 6:10 (Breeches or Britches are pants)

Deuteronomy 22:5

Ezekiel 44:16-18

Isaiah 3:16-24 (Wrong adornment)

1 Peter 3:3-6 (Correct adornment)

Jeremiah 4:30 (Makeup)

Final Thought: 2 Timothy 3:16

This message was typed out of love for my sisters. Come back into obedience, ye daughters of Zion. Godly men are awaiting you, and ready to take you for their wife. May the desire for peace and love of the Lord abide in you, according to His perfect will and wisdom.

In Christ,


Okay, so what do you think about all this? I will post what I said to him later.


The exciting new book The Black Church – Where Women Pray and Men Prey contains dozens of real-life stories of sexual abuse by Pastors, Ministers, Bishops, and church members, along with astute observations about the games being run on women in Black churches across the nation. Based on the shocking 2010 blog post The Black Church: How Black Churches Keep African American Women Single and Lonely! author Deborrah Cooper continues an uncomfortable examination of Christian religion in the black community, non-biblical Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.tenets of the prosperity gospel, and the games played by unscrupulous black preachers. It’s a page turner, but not everyone will have the stomach for it. Some women are afraid of what they might find when they pull back the curtain, and aren’t willing to question their blind faith in the men of their church. Neither are some able to understand that they must stop worshiping their pastors because these men are NOT God. However, for those women brave enough to question their religious leaders, willing to take a look at what is going on at their churches, and strong enough to demand protection from predatory men for women and children within the walls of the House of God, this book is right on time.


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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