Tag: black singles
Breaking Up on the Down Low – How and Why Men Sneak Out of Relationships
He doesn’t want to be the bad guy and experience a direct confrontation. Men hope you won’t notice that he’s on his way out, and sadly, many women don’t!
When Sex With Him is NOT All That!
On this show hundreds of women will share what they want from men mentally, emotionally and physically to help men learn how to stimulate their female partners. Become a memorable lover!
Exposing Black Male Privilege
I’ve repeatedly heard Black men express the belief that they are victims of a matriarchial society, that they are denied rights and privileges and the opportunity to “be a man” by “strong Black women.” I’ve heard grown men whine that women need to be responsible for men’s attire (sagging pants), teen pregnancy amonst 11, 12, 13 year old girls (who are actually victimis of child molesters, not willing adults making a choice for sex), and assign to women the responsibility for changing the Black community. With women being blamed for all that, what the hell is it that Black men are going to get off their asses and do?
Should Women Propose Marriage to Men?
Should a woman that wants to get married take the bull by the horns and propose marriage to her guy? What are the pros and cons of a woman proposing marriage?
Men Are Not Qualified to Lead Women or Relationships
Men feel that they should lead women because that is “how it is supposed to be.” But if we remove religion from the equation, what is it that makes men feel they must be the leader? Not intelligence, drive, ambition or skills! And if it is true, as some men say, that men are destructive when left to their own devices and need women to lead them in other directions, then who is the real leader here?
If You Didn’t ‘Get’ How The Black Church Keeps Black Women Single…
Though somewhat surprised by the intensity of the debate on my article on The Black Church, I am not at all shocked at the shake up the article has caused. Always a maverick and unafraid of either contentious criticism or debate, who but Deb Cooper would have the gumption to question the motives of an institution held so dear by millions of Black people across the nation? After all, if one is an avid church-goer, how likely are you to question your church on your own?
The Decline in Black Marriages… Is Marriage for Educated White People?
A report released on January 18th, 2010 by the Pew Research Center identifies a fundamental reconfiguration of marriage: As a consequence of increased education and greater access to high-paying jobs, wives are more likely than ever before to earn more and to be better educated than their husbands. Research indicates that equality in a number of areas is associated with today’s successful relationships: similar background, social class and educational level among them. Why then are so many Black men angry at Black women for demanding that their spouse have a college degree?
The Three Types of Black Men
After studying Black men for decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are three different types of Black men. Sadly, more than half of the Black men in the dating pool are misogynists and truly hate women; their treatment of and the thoughts they express about Black women prove it.
Bitch Made “Good Men” In the Dating Pool
I’m tired of men that feel they are “Good men” touting their goodness like it’s a badge of honor, a trophy, something that entitles them to more or better or what they want. In the mating game your “goodness” means absolutely nothing. You telling women over and over why we should pick you instead of the exciting, sexy, fun guy makes you sound like a whining punk. Here are my reasons why I and a great many women totally ignore “good guys” when choosing a man.
What a Black Man Needs in a Relationship
Just like Freud (who admittedly never could figure out what women wanted), women don’t understand men and what their relationship needs are! But I have the answer, and it’s very simple.
Interracial Dating: Black Men with Non-Black Women
Over the past 10 years, the numbers of African American women that have dated and married White men has dramatically increased. I believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that Black women are tired of waiting for Black men to choose them, to commit, to love.
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